Michael Pieper
Flurstraße 5
86368 Gersthofen
Telefon: +49 170 277 80 20
eMail: michael.pieper@augusta.de
The logo from the Europa Park with friendly permission of: http://www.europapark.de
The logo from ThemeParkStudio mit friendly permission of: http://www.themeparkstudio.com
The flags downloaded from http://www.customicondesign.com/free-icons/
The SocialMediaIcons are based on the Iconset Round Social Icons by Brainleaf and were amendet by Michael Pieper.
The Software Icons are based on the Iconset My Mavericks Part 1 Icons by thebadsaint and were amendet by Michael Pieper
The EmojIcons Pack 1 in the standard license from Emoticons HD
The logo of blender from the website http://www.blender.org
The logo of Steam Powered from the website http://www.steampowered.com
The logo of gimp from the website www.gimp.org
Source: Created by the Impressum-Generator from e-recht24.de for privat persons.
Michael (2014-08-20)
The following text is only a translation from the German "Impressum" page. For this german web page only the german law will be relevant. For the legal relevant text please refer to the German Disclaimer Text"
As service provider of this web page located in Germany are we responsible according the german law § 7 Abs.1 TMG for own content on this pages. According §§ 8 bis 10 TMG are we not responsible as a service provider, to monitor transferred and stored foreign information or search for circumstances, which are indicating to a illegal activity. The obligation to delete or block the usage of information based on the general law remains unaffected. An accountability regarding this matter however is only possible from the time on when the concrete rights violation becomes generally known to us. When a rights violation is known we will immediately delete this content.
Our content contains also links to third party web sites, to which content we don't have any influence. Therefore we cannot be warranty for this foreign content. For the content of the linked pages always the service provider of the foreign web page is responsible. We checked the linked pages against possible law violations at the time when the link was set. Illegal content was not visible at the time when the link was set. A permanent content control of the linked pages is without any concrete evidence not reasonable. When a law violation will be known by us we will delete this links immediately.
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Michael (2014-08-20)